; A Walk - FR Ramblers

A Walk

Calf Crag, Gibsons Knott, Helm Crag (all Wainwrights) circular, 7.5 miles with about 2500 feet of ascent in total.

Calf Crag 537m

We plan to leave the coach about 1 mile north of Grasmere in a large lay-by. This is marked Townsend on the OS map. Then we cross Dunmail raise and follow a side road to the bottom of steel fell. A fair climb then to Dead pike,  circle around towards Calf Crag. This are is quite marshy so walking boots would be far superior to walking shoes.
We now follow the ridge to Gibson Knott and Helm Crag before descending into Grasmere.

Led by Matt.

A walk Route